Monday, January 12, 2009

Invention of Morel

I vlog'd about it. Check it!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reading The Invention of Morel

This story seriously reminds me of The Voyeur. You're not entirely sure what exactly is going on. You got a main character who is a little off, and doesn't accurately understand what is going on. It's not bad. I just wish I understood it all.

I've only read about 50 pages in, and have two theories.

One: Our man is hallucinating. This can be supported with the many tales of people getting sick on the island, and all the various diseases and poisons present on the island.

Two: He's a ghost. One of the ladies in the story [can't for the life of me remember her name] mentions that "there is no time for ghost stories". That might not be coincidental. The main character is never noticed. He can stand right in front of people and they don't see him. He can squeeze right past them and they don't even notice. Weird, yeah?

Unfortunately, I think neither are true. For one, books like these are always so devilishly tricky. The real answer is probably something I've never caught. For two, the book will probably never explicitly tell us what exactly is going on. It's the nature of such stories to leave us wondering. That's what makes it good. That's what makes it fun to dig through... to uncover the metaphors, and understand the writing.