Monday, February 9, 2009

More Funky Ribo

I just finished McGregor today. This is so far my favorite story.

for one, we have primarily been following the humanoids for quite a few stories, with Kat being the big, bad splice. with Kat being the overall "enemy", I was getting an overall negative vibe about splices. They were the enemy. They were a problem.

This story was a huge change of pace. The splices were the good guys. And not just good guys - they are these oppressed and helpless things, complete with free will but forced into servitude. In fact, their only real purpose in life is to serve, and be property. to be denied any "human" rights.

I don't know about you, but reading this story certainly made me side a little with some of these splices. It sort of makes me wonder though, with the author now having now given both sides our emotional backing, how is it all going to play out? Are they going to forever conflict? Will the splices gain their freedom and live with humankind in relative peace?

Or maybe they'll kill each other. Ribofunk has been a bit unpredictable at times. We'll see how it all goes, yeah?

1 comment:

  1. It is not the matrix...we are unlikely to get a resolution
