Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm really digging Ribofunk right now. Seriously, I have not enjoyed short stories this much since I read through some Tolstoy works.

It's all so... funky. This future world with these futuristic things. No concrete explanation of why things are the way they are, why we got weird animal-human mixes running around, no real explanation about the way the countries are now governed and put together... very odd, but I like it.

I also love the slang that goes on with the characters. It all seems so natural. I had never read it before, but I feel like i understand exactly what they mean when somebody says "Yeah, I latch". [I like Television City the most so far] I don't know where the author got this stuff, but it is freaking great.

I wonder if we'll have some kind of strange world like this in the future? Animal splicing is the biggest thing that comes to mind. We've already got a lot of capability to modify genetic codes of animals. Will we ever get as extreme as the funky stuff in these stories though? Will we ever have a human/dog/wolverine hybrid that talks to us? That'd be pretty boss.

Then again... what kind of effects would that have on humanity? I'm sure life would go on, but surely there would be consequences for messing with genetic codes of so many creatures. Maybe these new creatures would wipe out some existing creature [lets say some kind of hawk that primarilly feeds on field mice]. The hawks are killed off [for whatever reason, say the genetico-freak ate 'em all.] Suddenly there are tons of field mice. Maybe these mice get so out of control that they enroach on human civilication too much, and with them comes some diseases. Maaaayyybe we suffer a severe epidemic.

Far-fetched, yeah? It's more likely some Animal folks would ahve such a big problem with the splicing that it'd never happen anyway.

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